0429 335 404

Pre Purchase Building Inspections Melbourne

Purchasing a house, unit or townhouse can be stressful enough, without purchasing a property that is affected by significant defects which may not be noticeable to an untrained person.

Above Board Building & Pest Inspections have over 30 years' experience in new home inspections and pre-purchase property inspections in greater Melbourne, offering you complete assurance, saving countless dollars and headaches for those looking to purchase a new home.

Defects within the buildings can vary significantly depending upon the age of the building, the extent of the maintenance which has been undertaken over the years, illegal or sub-standard building works including additions, but also can include information on structural cracking to buildings, leaking showers, sagging roofs, leaks from skylights, leaking windows, condensation mould, rising dampness and penetration dampness just to name a few.

Book an inspection of your building prior to purchasing your property

Purchasing a property is no child’s play. For most people, it indicates a significant investment and potential home buyers always want to be sure that the property they are planning to buy is in a good condition, and that it doesn’t have any glaring defects. It’s not uncommon for people to buy a home, only to find that some of the features may have a major defect in it, that could have been picked up if an inspection was carried out on the property

If these defects or faults come to light after you have purchased a property, it means you will be saddled with additional trouble and expenses.

The best way to avoid all this stress and expense is to hire the services of professionals that provide Pre Purchase Building Inspections Melbourne services. We at Above Board Building & Pest Inspections are a well-established and credible company that has over 30 years of experience in this industry. Since our inception, we have provided excellent building inspection solutions and reports to potential home buyers; and this has helped them make much more well-informed property investment decisions.

So regardless of whether you are considering buying a house, unit or townhouse, you can definitely benefit from our expert and thorough Pre-Purchase Building Inspections in Melbourne. It gives you peace of mind that no sudden defects or issues will surface after you have purchased the property.

Combination Building and Pest Inspections

This is essentially a visual inspection of all the accessible spaces of the property. All the areas will be thoroughly investigated by our skilled, certified and highly experienced building and pest inspectors. We follow the AS4349.1-2007 Australian Standard. As part of this inspection, we look for any major faults and defects, which can lead to safety hazards and evidence of minor defects; we also provide an overall report on the property’s condition. Typically, this report would cover:

  • Interior of the property
  • Exterior of the property
  • Condition of the roof void
  • Condition of the subfloor
  • Integrity of the roof exterior
  • As part of the pest inspections, our experts check all the above spaces and features. In addition, they check the pavement, fences, the outbuildings & timbers in the garden. They will also inspect the trees & stumps all around the property. This is a highly customised service, as every property is different and needs specific inspection solutions. We provide you with complete, detailed written reports, & photographs too. These reports will be provided on the same day that we conduct the inspection.

    We have all the necessary certifications such as Diploma of Building Surveying, Cert IV - Occupational Health & Safety, Cert IV - Building Construction and Qualified Timber Pest Inspector required to carry out this job in an expert manner.

    For any additional information about our Pre Purchase Building Inspections Melbourne, please speak with the Above Board Building & Pest Inspections specialists at this number- 0429 335 404. Or simply drop a line using this online form. We work round the clock and available 24/7, 7 days a week, all days of the year. You can also book your inspection online via this form.


    Our Pre-Purchase Building Inspection provides you with a professional report that is in an easy to read format and includes photographs to assist in identifying defects which have been found. This allows the purchaser to make an informed decision on the building.

    • We work for you.
    • Electronically generated check box reports are NOT acceptable to us.
    • We provide recommended solutions or actions for building issues identified at that time.

    Talk to us About Organising Your Pre-Purchase Inspection Today

    0429 335 404


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